
Using WD-40 to Clean Tools

Using WD-40 to Clean Tools

There are only a few things on this planet that are known to fix nearly anything. WD-40 is one of them --I'm sure that duct tape and bailing twine are near the top of that list, as well.  One of the many uses of WD-40 that you may not have thought of, is cleaning tools. Whether they are rusty or just dirty, WD-40 can fix them right up:Dirty toolsIf you leave your tools dirty after use, they may rust and perform poorly in time. After you are done working, be sure to take the time and clean your tools properly....

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Primary Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

Primary Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

Updating a primary bathroom can be wonderful to meet changing needs, refresh for a modern style, or improve home sale prospects. But what bathroom remodeling ideas are best for different projects? Why Are You Remodeling? There are many reasons why a bathroom might need to be remodeled. Leaks or other damage may make the room unusable until it is remodeled, or changing needs of the family may require adjustments to fixtures, shower stalls, tubs, or entryways to make the room more accessible or practical. A poorly designed primary bath can be remodeled to improve functionality and efficiency, or it may...

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